We highly recommend pet insurance for a number of reasons and here are just a few:
- puppies/kittens can be insured from 8 weeks of age, most offer "first 4 weeks free" while you consider your options
- most cover for just accident and illnesses that can end up costing thousands of dollars
- insuring them at an early age will ensure maximum coverage for life, i.e. if they have shown signs of a particular disease or illness before taking out the insurance, then that could be excluded for a period of time or possibly life
- peace of mind knowing you don’t need to let a cost factor prevent your pet receiving the best treatment available
- there are many companies out there
and it is hard to compare so here are a few we have found popular:
Guide Dogs

- a standard plan can cost as little as $10/week and most offer discount for multiple pets
- some human health insurance companies also offer pet insurance now so you may find your own health insurance also cover pets and you can insure the "whole family"!
- we hear all too often the phrase "wish I had pet insurance", so get onto it now, before it's too late!

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