Monday, 17 February 2014

Illy's Snake Bite Story

Illy was staying with her grandparents in the Adelaide Hills at the beginning of this year. On the morning that her Mum returned from holidays and went to collect her, Illy's back end had collapsed and she was unable to walk. Illy was brought straight to the clinic initially thinking she had injured her back.

Illy just before discharge
Upon examination it was confirmed that her back end was very week and her pupils were dilated. Due to the fact she had been out in the garden this morning in the hills and summer time, it was suspected she had actually been bitten by a snake, most likely the deadly brown snake.

Illy's mum was keen to have her treated as necessary so she was admitted to hospital where she was placed on intravenous fluids and administered anti-venom, anti-histamine and cortisone.

She was monitored very closely throughout the afternoon and her vital signs remained within normal limits. She was transferred to the Animal Emergency Clinic for observation during the night and then back to our clinic during the day for two more days, slowly improving over 48 hours.

She slowly regained use of her hind limbs and was able to walk with assistance when it came time to go home. She's still got a long way to go but is gradually improving every day.

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