Wednesday, 5 September 2018


Have you ever wondered if your pet can get the flu? The answer is yes. But unlike the dreaded flu season for humans, dogs and cats can suffer from their version of the flu year-round. The good news is that your pet can't catch the human flu, and vice versa.

The dog version of the flu is known as Canine Cough (often incorrectly referred to as "Kennel Cough".)

Canine Cough is a highly-contagious disease that is passed from dog to dog by moisture droplets. It is possible for your dog to potentially become infected from another dog at the park, not just boarding kennels. Vaccination is simple, effective and given annually. The vaccination protects against the worst strains of the disease (the ones that can cause pneumonia) but it's important to realise that your dog can still contract milder forms of the disease. These dogs may only require a short course of antibiotics to help them recover.

Cat Flu is commonly caused by a herpes virus. It is also highly contagious and can cause severe illness, especially in kittens or elderly cats or cats with a compromised immune system. Vaccination is highly effective, and while it won't always prevent cats from developing flu, it helps reduce the severity of the condition and reduces shedding of the virus, decreasing the likelihood of transmission to other cats. This vaccination must be given annually.

Ask us to check if your pet is up to date with their vaccinations and we will make sure your pet stays happy and healthy.

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