Dogs are very good at hiding pain. It is a matter of survival, as in the wild, a weak or sick animal is easy prey. Add to this your dog's desire to please you all the time and it is not uncommon for pain to go unnoticed.

One of the most painful conditions in dogs is arthritis and as the weather is getting cooler we will start to see many more painful arthritis cases raise their ugly heads.
Your dog MAY be trying to tell you he has arthritic pain and you need learn to look out for some of the warning signs:
- Difficulty jumping in to the car, up on the furniture or climbing stairs
- Stiffness especially in the morning
- Difficulty getting up or lying down; you may notice your dog slowly lower himself down
- Reluctance to walk, play or chase the ball
- Sleeping or resting more
- Lethargy
- Less excitement when greeting you
- Muscle loss over spine, hind legs and shoulders
The good news is that there are PLENTY of tools we have up our sleeve to help your dog. Many people are surprised at the change in their dog's personality after we start a treatment plan.
If you have any inkling your dog might be in pain arrange a check up with us as soon as possible.
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