Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Talking about the stuff you don't want to know about!

Vomiting and diarrhoea. Most people don't want to mention these words, let alone clean it off their carpet! The truth is, most dogs and cats suffer from either (or both) of these at some point in their life.

The most common cause is 'dietary indiscretion' which is just our way of saying your pet ate something he shouldn't! After withholding food for a few hours (gastric rest), fluids for rehydration and a few days of a bland diet, your pet will most likely recover without a problem. Occasionally vomiting and diarrhoea can be more serious.

Here's a guide for when to seek help from us - if your pet: 
• Has multiple bouts of diarrhoea
• Vomits more than once
• Seems lethargic or is off food
• Has been losing weight recently
• Ingested something they shouldn't.
If you have a question or are worried about your furry friend always call us for advice - we can help put your mind to rest, but unfortunately we can't clean your carpet!

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