Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Slimmers @ Stephen Weight Loss Program

Is your pet in perfect body condition? Unfortunately many are not, and it's hard for owners to notice sometimes.
Murphy on FFF
400x266We are passionate about your pet's health & wellbeing, and obesity is a real concern of ours. Every time your pet visits our clinic, we give them a body condition score out of 9, with 5 being the optimal score. Click here for descriptions and pictures of body condition scoring.

Just like humans, our overweight pets are at risk of diabetes, joint stress, heart disease and high blood pressure just to name a few.

At Stephen Terrace Veterinary Clinic, we run a "Slimmers @ Stephen" weight loss program to help your pet return to optimal health.
At the initial nurse consult, we discuss your pet's current diet and lifestyle, we also take measurements, recommend an appropriate diet and come up with an exercise plan to help your loved one safely lose those extra kilos and return to a healthy weight range.
We then work with you every step of the way until the target weight is reached!
To find out how to get your pet started, please contact one of our helpful nurses on 8362 6688.
Some tips to help your dog/cat lose weight:
~ Feed your dog/cat's dry food in a treat ball or scatter
   around the yard/house for them to find
~ Feed majority of their daily food allowance in the morning
   so they can work it off during the day
~ Take your dog for a walk at every opportunity
   e.g. the corner store, post box
~ Set up a dog walking roster at home to share the duty
   amongst everyone in the household
~ Make sure you measure how much you are giving them
   instead of guessing
~ Send your dog to a day care facility once per week
   such as Dog City Daycare

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