Wednesday, 18 January 2017


Feline AIDS is caused by the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) which affects the immune system of cats.

The virus acts in the same way as the human form of HIV, destroying the immune system and leaving a cat susceptible to infections, disease and cancers. Once a cat has been infected, FIV can then progress to feline acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, also known as Feline AIDS.

The virus is spread from cat to cat through saliva, often via a cat bite wound. A mother cat can also pass the virus to her kittens across the placenta or through her milk. FIV cannot be transferred to humans.

Tuesday, 3 January 2017


The most simple way to make sure your pet is comfy this summer is to prevent itchy skin.

Allergies to fleas, grasses, trees, plant pollen, dust mites and moulds as well as certain foods can all set off an itchy and scratchy show at your house!

Itchy dogs will bite, lick or scratch with their legs however a cat will constantly lick at particular areas, causing hair loss. This quickly leads to self-trauma of the skin which causes secondary infections that require medication.