Feline AIDS is caused by infection with feline
immunodeficiency virus (FIV). FIV causes a potentially fatal viral
disease that interferes with the immune system of a cat.
The virus lives in the blood of the infected cat and is carried in its system throughout its life. Healthy cats contract the infection through being bitten by an FIV positive cat - approximately 18% of cats in SA are FIV positive.
Cats infected with FIV may remain healthy for a number of years. While some infected cats show no sign of disease, others may display initial symptoms.
Eventually the immune system becomes too weak to fight off other infections or diseases. As a result, the cat will die from one of these subsequent diseases.
The virus lives in the blood of the infected cat and is carried in its system throughout its life. Healthy cats contract the infection through being bitten by an FIV positive cat - approximately 18% of cats in SA are FIV positive.
Cats infected with FIV may remain healthy for a number of years. While some infected cats show no sign of disease, others may display initial symptoms.
Eventually the immune system becomes too weak to fight off other infections or diseases. As a result, the cat will die from one of these subsequent diseases.